Posted in cangames

Cangames 2024

Well another Cangames has come and gone. And this is what we did for Saturday.

It was nice to go up with a slightly bigger crew this year; Mark and his son, Finn, along with Finn’s friend, Jack. As well as Chance, Mikayla, and Brad who tagged along this year as well.

We all met at my place at 7am, heading out to Ottawa since I had a game to run at 9am. We began our journey from town towards our destination and made a quick pit stop at Timmy’s in town to grab coffee and some grub to eat on the road.

We arrived at our venue around 8:30 and we signed in and had a look at the agenda for what was to be on our day. I was running Big Eyes, Small Mouth – A Japanese Anime Role Playing Game at 9, while Mark was running his game, Lucidity, at 2pm that afternoon.

I went to the table to prepare for the game, taking out my adventure, the role book and the dice. Then it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t brought the pre-generated characters that I had printed out for the game. Though, luckily I had the characters basic stats written down in my book so I decided to let the players build the characters they wanted to play from there.

The session I ran went smoothly I think, and then afterwards when it finally wrapped up I went strolling about the market place.

I ended up buy Time Drifters, a Tri-Stat core rulebook, a few accessories for the 2300AD RPG, at first and then picked up Elementary Watson board game at a Free Table, as well as a few Free RPG day adventures. I’d say it was a pretty good score for the day.

When 2pm rolled around Mark had a full table for his game and Brad and I decided to wander the venue to see what we could find. Brad mentioned that a new boardgame demo from was empty so we went over and sat down to play a game called Sinoda. It was like a chinese checkers, chess, checkers kind of game using four side dice. It was fun to learn and Brad and I played a few games of it (with Brad winning each time).

Afterwards we got roped into a Red Shirt’s game of Monster Mash or Bash, or something like that. The board was set up like a Clue game and each of us played a monster that had to hunt each other down and engage in mortal combat. I ended up killing 3 other creatures, and was the last monster standing!

Through out the day I bumped into and chatted with some old friends, some I never met in person til then, and other’s I haven’t seen in a while: Bart, Sean, Duncan, Yves, Aldous, Justin, John, (and like the say in the Gilligan’s Island theme song And the rest).

Once Mark’s game was over we decided to hit the road, it had been a long day and not being as spry as I once was couldn’t stay for another game.

That was my Saturday in a nutshell.


Not much to tell at the moment. Will fill you in sometime down the road.

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